Monday, October 25, 2010


I'm in a history course right now and I recently wrote an analytical paper on a very boring non-fiction book titled, "The Colonies in Transition," by Wesley Craven. I chose this book because of the author ... however, it turns out that this Wesley Craven was born a lot earlier than the one most-known for his talents in horror storytelling and movie making.
But this book went into detail about how the colonies aided France in it's war against Britain and this war's effects upon the colonies. The end result was antebellum, which means that everything returns to how it was before the war.
My last entry was to give you the gist of my life since previous posts. I told you about working on myself while mild chaos surrounded me. I've got a grip on 15 hours worth of classes, I'm doing really well working 36 hours a week and have managed to be
come closer w/ family members I haven't spent much time with before... but unfortunately I spoke too soon in my previous post about my boyfriend, now my ex.
Without getting too into the details, I understand why we had to go our separate ways. Reeling back and trying to bounce back from job-loss, piling bills and challenging classes (Spanish), I totally lost myself.
Now, I really hate when people self-diagnose themselves (it reminds me of this awful roommate I had who did it to get attention), so I don't want to disclose much more, but one thing was said:
"You don't even want to kiss me anymore."
But that doesn't mean I want to kiss someone else...
He was one of the first people I had an honest connection with. He was my best friend. And I'm not ready for this to be over, but it is.
So, I'm taking some time to "do me," visit family, make new friends and return to how I was before my eight-month relationship - in essence, I'm going antebellum.

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