Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I have a secret.
I'm able to get perfect scores on speeches and presentations in any class because I use this tool: PREZI.
An advanced communications class, composition courses, multiple Spanish projects - I've made perfect scores. I may have been mediocre when it came to the meat of the class, but I aced those projects, dammit!!
Today I rocked yet another Spanish presentation. My profesora even mentioned to the class, "Oye, here a comes Ben-ha-mean witha hiz fancee program!" And that's what I like to hear.
So, for the few of you who read this blog - I'm letting you in on my secret.
There's a bit of a learning curve, as this ain't PowerPoint, but it's worth it! I can see myself using this program well into my adult-life/career.

The following link hosts my Spanish Prezis. Choose one, click 'more' and select 'full screen' and click the arrow to move the presentation!

Bella es mi perra, una pincher miniatura, y tiene tres años (Bella is my dog, a miniature pincher, and she's three years old). Bella nació en una granja en rural Iowa con seis hermanos y hermanas. Bella era la más pequeña de la camada y eso es por lo que me gustaba (Bella was born on a farm in rural Iowa with six brothers and sisters. Bella was the smallest of the litter and that is why I liked her). En el 2007, yo adopté a Bella y vivió en Iowa City en la Universidad de Iowa conmigo. Ella dormía muchas mientras yo estaba en la clase - a Bella le gustaba dormir debajo de la ropa de la cama (In 2007, I adopted Bella and she lived with me in Iowa City at the University of Iowa. She slept a lot while I took classes - Bella likes to sleep under the bedsheets). Cuándo Bella celebró su cumpleaños número dos, corrió cinco kilómetros conmigo en menos de veinte minutos - su primera carrera! La gustaba correr conmigo, y le encantaba una pelota de tenis (When Bella celebrated her second birthday, she ran a five kilometer with me in under twenty minutes - her first race! She likes to run with me and play w/ a tennis ball).
No hacía buen tiempo en Iowa, por lo tanto, a Bella no le gustaba nadar porque el aqua era más fría (The weather isn't warm in Iowa, therefore, Bella doesn't like to swim because the water is cold). En el 2009, Bella y yo nos mudamos a Austin, Texas a un apartamento peqeño. En la ciudad, Bella se hizo un "perro guardian" y tenía muchos amigos nuevos (In 2009, Bella and I moved to Austin, Texas to a small apartment. In the city, Bella became a "guard dog" and had many new friends). Bella visitaba Barton Springs y el Greenbelt y finalmente ella jugaba en el agua! También, iba a Town Lake para correr conmigo. Ella corría conmigo siempre - corríamos una mila en menos de seis minutos (Bella visited Barton Springs and the Greenbelt and finaly she played in the water! Also, she went to Town Lake to run with me. She runs with me always - we run a mile in less than six minutes)!
A Bella le gustaba Austin, pero visitaba a mi familia en Iowa para los días feriados (Bella likes Austin, but visits my family in Iowa for the holidays).

I still have another presentation yet this semester, so I'll be sure to share that one too!

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