Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Let's talk professionalism...

I'll start this post stating the following facts:

I'm a twenty-two year old male.
I'm currently seeking a degree.
I have a job where I speak to professionals on a daily basis.

Now, there's been something on my mind since after lunch today...
As a short backstory, I work at an online advertisement agency and it's my job to contact websites to find availability to run all sorts of ads.
Currently I'm working on a "rovion" advertisement. So when you log onto your favorite website, a small person pops up in the bottom-right corner, and walks to the bottom-middle of your screen while talking about the product he/she represents... it's a tough sell to many websites because it's so annoying and intrusive.
Because of it's annoying and intrusive manner, I can't create a launch plan until I know which sites can run it.

Now being at the level I am in this company, I don't have all the details of such campaigns ... simply because they haven't been made yet.
So I'd been working on sending upwards of 100 emails out to possible websites that followed the demographics my clients were hoping to reach. The email stated that I had a general inquiry about each websites hosting abilities and I had some details of each campaign - but I stated any/all information I had and that it was the only information I had.

Out of 100 emails, probably 80 of them returned asking for more information ... which is fine. People need to know what's happening w/ the monies they could potentially be spending.
I even fielded many a phone call.

This one prick from an online newspaper in Philadelphia emails me back asking for more details. I kindly respond that I had no further details and I was just making a mock up of potential websites that could run this campaign.
He emails back w/ bits of his email in ALL CAPS, asking for dates that the campaign will run, the total budget of the campaign, the rate we're requesting ... writing it as if I were retarded.

I don't justify his email w/ a response.
After an hour goes by, he emails me again and patronizes me telling me how money works for him and how stupid I must be for trying to pass a campaign w/o specifics. He even mentions that I must be a newbie. And even asked for contact information of my boss.

What. A. Douche.

Now, I'm a person that can get into drama. I'm a storyteller. I can make some heat...
But that's what this blog is for.
I'm in a professional environment, dealing w/ thousands of dollars and some high-level executives here. And it just irks me that someone brings this kind of drama into such a setting. This guy knows nothing about me or the company I work for, yet he's willing to risk a potential cash-cow for the website he represents as well as future relations w/ my company? All so that he can feel superior?

Maybe he felt loss of power when he realized there's no more fall. I bet he was just as bothered by his Christmas-y Starbucks cup this morning as I was...

Either way, I blind-copied the editor of the newspaper on all of our emails, so I'm sure this guy will have some heat coming to him tomorrow!
Oops, I think I just injected some drama into my professional guise.


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