Thursday, November 25, 2010

3 AM.

So, it's 3:16 AM pre-Thanksgiving Day and I am white-wine drunk ... finally going to bed after chatting/catching up with my dad all evening.
My sister and her boyfriend arrived later this evening from a short stay in Dallas and overall 14-hour trip from E. Iowa.
Dad finished the "leftovers" turkey - a 21 lb beauty that we sliced, diced and placed into tupperware. Tomorrow's turkey is a fresh Tom being reserved ... he tips the scales at 27 lbs. When you're as good at cooking as my dad is, you don't mess around - you prepare for such events and roast yourself a "leftovers" turkey.
Also, a heaping bowl of secret-family-recipe stuffing is ready too!
Two jugs of pinot grigio have been had this evening alone ... Tomorrow night ads fall-themed cocktails, beer, more wine and yes - a hottub.
I love Thanksgiving.
Wish you were here!
Just don't you dare take my pre-made leftovers, biiitch!

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