Sunday, December 20, 2009


Alright, so this is a tad bit late, but Saturday, December 19 was my sister, Clare's 18th birthday.
Girlfriend did not celebrate by heading down the the corner gas station to pick up some Virginia Slims and a lottery ticket ... she got inked! She's so brave.
I already called to wish her a feliz de cumpleaƱos, but this entry will be completely dedicated to her.

Clare ...

You've always been the prettier of the two of us. Even that time I had to pull you out from under a table at daycare in Des Moines because you cut your hair - and to salvage your horrible cosmetology skills, Mom gave you some kind of bop haircut. You're gorgeous, and I'll always be here to tell you so.

Remember when we moved to Manchester and started adding on/renovating the house? You and I had to share that North bedroom, in that huge used-to-be-waterbed ... I always made such a big deal about having to sleep in the same bed, but you were so cute and never complained - even when I made my weird mouth noises in my sleep (I am still not admitting to it though!!). Then we had to sleep in the dining room while the bedrooms were getting carpet, and I made you listen to the 'Anamaniacs' CD all the time.

You and I loved to eat sliced cheese. When a commercial came on, we would run to the kitchen and try to skip over the tile entryway, grab a cheese slice, then run full force onto that plaid couch. And after watching some gameshow on Nickelodeon, we made states out of our cheese slices. And we played 'lava' a lot - Mom always had an annoying amount of throw pillows.

Before the basement was finished, we built some of the craziest forts ever. They had multiple bedrooms, a living room ... some real architectual oddities were built in that basement.

Oh! We hung out in the old barn so much! We would swing from that rope and chase around all sorts of kittens. Remember breaking all those florescent lights of Rick's?? We stomped on them because a cool white smoke came out ... I guess we never realized the hundreds of dollars we just wasted. Haha!

We drove around Grandma and Grandpa's farm on that huge, green lawn mower. And one time, I shifted it into drive too fast and you flipped off the back! Ahhh. You barely cried! Just went inside.

Whenever we went up to Dad's place in Minnesota, we would ride our bikes around the blocks forever - just encircling that park was our entertainment. Weird, right? Until you got rollerblades and a scooter - then we used a jump rope to pull each other behind the bike!

I was such a Nancy-boy in high school and you're this crazy, rebel-like young woman. You are so much further along in life than I ever thought about being when I was 18. It's weird that we became closer after I left for school. And even closer yet when I moved out of state.
I think about you all the time, Clare - but I'm never worried. You are so strong, confident and smart. You have a strong direction within you and I am really proud of you.
I miss you very much and truly cherish each time we're reunited.

I promise to always be here for you. And you know I'll make that 17 hour drive in 14 hours if you ever need me ASAP. This 18 years went by so quickly ... but I cannot wait for the next 18 and the 18 after and the 18 after and so on.

I love you, sister.

1 comment:

  1. This is Daxton. It was on my news feed. Lol. It's 1:17 and I just got back from your house actually studying for government. But ahhh this is so cute you two are so close! this is definitely not me and my
    sister but i'm gonna go to bed now so later!
