Wednesday, December 16, 2009

On Wednesday's we wear [ink].

I went to sleep after eating a peanut-butter-strawberry jelly sammich.
Waking up w/ peanut-butter breath isn't so great ... waking up to the 1930's plumbing loudly supplying shower-water to my roommate isn't the greatest either.
I canceled out the peanut-butter w/ a glass of orange juice.

Austin winter is weird - something I'm still not used to. My nose bled for like, ten minutes in the shower this morning, so the air must be getting thin. In Iowa, I would wake up w/ blood all over my pillows on occasion. Winter up there is tough, but I miss it.
I'll be returning for a five day stint on Tuesday the 22 (6 days!).

Today I actually had something to do ... a photoshoot w/ good friend, Amoriss. She's like Selma Hayek w/ better English. I love her.
We shot in historic downtown Round Rock ... but it was cold out and Amoriss is a girl w/ morals, so we weren't out there too long. Shot some cute pictures - they're posted to the left.

Driving through residential Round Rock is weird. Every house looks the same. Each one has a sad depiction of Christmas too. I guess I always associate Christmas w/ snow. It's usually one of my most favorite times of year. The snow blankets the hard, brown, ugly earth ... everything is clean, white ... forming a blur between Earth and the horizon. Like the 'softening' tool on Photoshop. Sorry, too techie?

So, to say the least, holiday season hasn't hit me yet ... and there is what, 9 days till Christmas??
The closest I've gotten to 'holiday spirit' is a dark chocolate-peppermint mocha coffee from The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf this morning (thanks for the gift card, Kaila!).
Mom claims to have sent me a Christmas tree. No, not a cute little tree you can put on an end table or countertop ... She and my sister Emily sent me a four and a half foot, prelit tree w/ ornaments to match my kitchen color scheme. Sweet, right?
Except it hasn't arrived!!
It'll probably come the morning I'm set to fly out to Iowa. Grrreat.

I got home from my shoot this afternoon and started bleeding on my sweater! Hence the title of this blog. Yeah! Hence! ... I'm two seconds from jogging down to Walgreen's for a tampon to shove up my nostril.

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