Tuesday, December 22, 2009


In roughly five hours, I will be heading North to Iowa to spend the holidays with my family. I love traveling and have no qualms with traveling solo - I actually prefer it. But the one thing I hate about traveling is airports. I try my hardest to remain calm and low-key. I've been traveling by plane for as long as I can remember - flying alone since age fourteen - and nothing has ever gone wrong.
No lost luggage. No missed flights. No absurd turbulence ... it's always been smooth sailing. But I know better. I know my time is coming. That's why I almost always never sleep the night before my flight. For instance, it's nearly 2:30 AM and I'm still awake. I have this minor paranoia about missing a flight or being unable to get through security.
But as I said before, I try my hardest to remain calm. I especially like to wear sunglasses once I've reached my gate and people-watch. I'm not big into karma, but I laugh too much at the crazies sprinting through the terminals for it not to happen to me sooner or later.
Well, this upcoming flight has me a little more worried than normal - it's currently snowing in Iowa. And all forecasts suggest it doesn't plan to stop.
My connecting flight to Cedar Rapids is in Dallas - and if I'm stuck there, Rachel and Renee, get ready because I'll be spending Xmas w/ you!

A couple winters ago, on Christmas Eve, my grandparents hosted an extended family Christmas gather and a blizzard kept everyone from leaving. Luckily my grandma is always stocked, supplied and prepared. We watched movies, made so much food and it actually ended up being a fun time reconnecting w/ family.
So long as I arrive in Iowa safely, I'll be okay w/ any other winter weather - I miss the snow and really want to go sledding and skiing!

A little about my hometown of Manchester, Iowa:
The population is 5,500 - about the same size as some of your high schools.
The tallest buildings in the community are silos - they dry corn.
There's a single-screen movie theatre - it operates on a volunteer basis.
The community is totally involved with the school, named West Delaware Schools - the mascot is the hawk and our fight song replicates the University of Iowa's.
Strangely enough, the best Chinese food I've ever had is in Manchester - Choung Garden is downtown, my sister works there. Order the Princess Chicken w/ a half-order of crab rangoons.
Allegedly, there's meth labs. IDK.
Good luck finding paved roads outside city limits. Gravel, baby.
Remember dial-up internet (this kills me)?

As small and boring as the town may be, I still really enjoy coming back.

I have three family Christmas' to attend, otherwise my time will be spent with the siblings and catching up w/ a few good friends - and eating all the homemade food I can pack in!!
I told everyone I didn't deserve gifts this year, so I'll be sure to share what I received - if anything! Honestly, the plane ticket was enough for me.

More to come about my holiday week up North!

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